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Deadline: Sept. 14


Event is Saturday, September 28th @ 12:30 PM EST 
Crystal/Coeurl Onokoro!

Race Procedure
Team captains must meet up and check in with TO by 9am PDT/12pm EDT at Onkoro in Crystal/Coeurl. All members must be present at the start of the race.


Teams will enter at 9:30am PDT/12:30pm EDT through a fresh save, starting at floor 21. If a team cannot start at 21, they must start at 1. If your team dies at any point, you may re-enter if you choose to, and your highest progress will be considered for rewards/placing.

There is a hard time limit of 12:00pm PDT/3:00pm EDT At that point, I will ping the captains in discord and ask them to post a screenshot of their progress & check the streams. Whichever team is on the highest floor wins!

If all teams have died, their highest climb will determine placing instead! Be warned, if everyone dies the revels cannot begin, and Susanoo will be sad.

Additional Rules
1) Teams may enter after the 9:30am PDT/12:30pm EDT start time, however additional time will not be granted.
2) Substitutions are allowed, but please communicate with event organizers!

Scoring Hierarchy
1) Reaching floor 100 (Time used as a tie-breaker)
2) Highest floor reached by 
-- On a boss floor, boss HP will be the tie breaker
-- On a regular floor, progress towards Beacon of Passage will be the tie breaker

Max team size of 4, but fewer is allowed (at your own peril)!
Event will be casual, organized, and a bit scuffed -- so please have fun!

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